Planning, R&D

Accurate analysis and planning to produce the software you need...

Software Development

Design and development of the planned software with the right tools and technologies...

Support & Troubleshooting

User support of the software taken into production, additional feature development and error tracking...

software planning, research and development

Planning, R&D

Before the software is developed, your exact needs are determined, the existing software is analyzed, if any, the infrastructure conformity analysis is performed for the features to be developed.

The technology infrastructure to be used during the production of the software, the devices to be supported and the hardware to be purchased are planned. Meetings are held with personnel and managers who will use the software, and after the technical specifications are verified, an offer including cost and delivery estimate is prepared.

Software Development

In accordance with the determined technologies and requirements, the necessary resources are allocated and the software is prepared with up to date project development techniques.

Usually we develop with Microsoft solutions (.Net Framework, SQL Server, Microsoft Server) and we pay attention to following points:

  • Simplest design and usable GUI,
  • Fast and productive use,
  • Up to date and tested frameworks,
  • Extendable infrastructure for later features,
  • Error reporting with correct tools.

To date, we have developed customer experience management systems and Android and iOS mobile applications as well as content management systems for many websites and gained experience in this field.

software development
software support and troubleshooting

Support & Troubleshooting

As standard in every software we develop, we integrate logging modules that notify us of errors and crashes instantly.

After the software product is put into production, it may need support such as user training, troubleshooting of user or software errors.

Our team can help you to use the software while identifying unforeseen deficiencies in the planning phase. You can benefit from our continuous support services in order to meet the needs of increasing number of users and increasing data volume etc.

In addition, we develop modules for software that is not prepared by us and provide low-cost intermediate software support for your company needs. By connecting to the databases of these software, we can create reporting, integrations, APIs, etc.